Art Katz (1929-2007)
Words cannot express the impact this man has had on my Christian walk, although I tried in this journal entry. To hear more from him, visit Art Katz Ministries or Ben Israel Fellowship.

The following messages have special relation to the other content of this site. Thanks to AKM for permission to use them.

The mercy of God in it's purest form. I pray that others will find the gold of Gospel comfort in these three messages that I continue to mine, twenty years after I first heard them.

Don't get flustered. Hang on to the tape. And like all the other tapes, they'll gather value as we come more deeply into the time. It will become like a rare wine, standing on the shelf, waiting for the time to be opened." A. Katz, 1987 (Quoted from this series of messages)

Article: On Witnessing to Jews
Art's invaluable thoughts on sharing the Gospel with his own kinsmen in the flesh.

Recorded at the 2004 Prophetic School in Ben Israel, these two messages on Psalm 119 (One, Two) are also interspersed with comments from the students and Ben Israel residents. I listened to them shortly after the school and forgot about them until after I had written music to Psalm 119 in 2007 & 2008. These could have been the formative words that inspired that music.

Art Katz Ministries has also graciously granted permission to post this message on Galations: Paul's Vehement Opposition to Legalism. It would seem by its title to be a contradiction to a Psalm devoted to the Law, the Commandments, Statutes, Word and Precepts of the Lord.

Listen and find out!

<p><font color="black" face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">Words cannot express the impact this man has had on my Christian walk, although I tried in <a href="" target="_top">this journal entry</a>. To hear more from him, visit <a href="" target="_top">Art Katz Ministries</a> or <a href="" target="_top">Ben Israel Fellowship</a>.</font></p> <p><font color="black" face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">The following messages have special relation to the other content of this site. Thanks to AKM for permission to use them.</font></p> <p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">The Mystery of Israel and the Church is the mercy of God in it's purest form. I pray that others will find the gold of Gospel comfort in <a href="mystery.html" target="_top">these three messages</a> by Arthur Katz that I continue to mine, twenty years after I first heard them.</font></p> <p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b>Article: </b><a href="witness.html" target="_top">On Witnessing to Jews</a></font><font size="-1" face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><i> <br> </i></font><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">Art's invaluable thoughts on sharing the Gospel with his own kinsmen in the flesh. </font></p> <p>Art Katz Commentary on Psalm 119</p> <p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">Recorded at the 2004 Prophetic School in <a href="" target="_top">Ben Israel</a>, these two messages on Psalm 119 (<a href="../psalm119/media/Katz-Psalm_119-(1%20of%202).mp3">One</a>, <a href="../psalm119/media/Katz-Psalm_119-(2%20of%202).mp3">Two</a>) are also interspersed with comments from the students and Ben Israel residents. I listened to them shortly after the school and forgot about them until after I had written <a href="../psalm119/index.html">music to Psalm 119</a> in 2007 &amp; 2008. These could have been the formative words that inspired that music.</font></p> <p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"><a href="" target="_top">Art Katz Ministries</a> has also graciously granted permission to post this message on Galations: <a href="../psalm119/media/Katz-Paul's_Vehement_Opposition_to_Legalism.mp3">Paul's Vehement Opposition to Legalism</a>. It would seem by its title to be a contradiction to a Psalm devoted to the Law, the Commandments, Statutes, Word and Precepts of the Lord. </font></p> <p><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">Listen and find out!</font></p>